Paris Bouquins
Paris Book Lovers
Format : A5 / 128 coloured pages
Retail price : 1800 yen
Publisher : edition PAUMES Japan
Author : PAUMES
Language : Japanese
Paris is a marvellous city for books lovers: the capital being at the heart of European literary traditional. In the historical centre, La Cite, the books stands dotted along the quays of the Seine since 1789 are a monument to the city's love of the written word. From Saint-Germain-des-Pres to Montparnasse, passing by the Latin Quatier, Paris' publishing houses and bookstores have fuelled the intellectual and artistic circles since the 40s. In Paris, each museum has its own bookstore, each 《 quartier 》 its library. When it comes to bookstores, there are over 1000, of which at least 92 are in the 6th district of Paris!
We decided to take you on a trip of our favourite bookstores, that is, independent bookstores that promote creativity and difference [rather than the large chain stores that lack individuality and soul!]. Some are specialised, entirely dedicated to one passion - food and cooking, cartoons, wildlife, cinema, travel… And, if you thought that literary cafes were long gone, look again! There still exists a treasure trove of places for book lovers to meet in Paris. Finally, our very own selection of born and bred Parisian book lovers have opened the doors to their own selection of libraries and shared with us their literary secrets. Paris is a book just waiting to be read…
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